Like many, I’ve been glued to the TV and social media, picking up whatever information I could to somehow make sense of it all. Water privatization, fire department budgeting, and of course climate change are central issues on everyone’s mind. The greatest tragedy of all would be if we don’t learn from this.
During times of chaos, people feel greater and greater vulnerability.
The attraction to a political strongman like Donald Trump is a common response during times of societal stress, and the only antidote is a genuinely democratic movement grounded in competency and vision. The Democratic Party must articulate that vision and display that competency. Never has there been a time when it was more important for us to rise to the occasion with absolute dedication to the well-being of people and planet.
Only the conviction of the heart will be a strong enough rudder to take us through such times as these. People are looking to the Democratic Party for such strength and certitude, and if I am elected Chair of the DNC they will receive it.
Some events in life are full tilt catastrophe, and this is one of them. We emerge from such times different, knowing we will never be the same. But it is up to us whether we become defeated and broken, or rather illumined and stronger. I have no doubt that the City of Angels will now grow more wings.
Much has been lost, but in the final analysis much will have been learned.
The American heart is with California right now. And I know California will rise.
My best to all,